Saturday, November 29, 2008

It has been a while...

Where have I been.....
I have been everywhere. We have been so busy here at the 504 cottage. Christmas photo shoots, Thanksgiving dinners, decorating for Christmas, and shooting an out of town wedding (and by out of town I mean 8 hours from my cottage)! Although I have enjoyed every minute of being busy, I sure love coming home with nothing to do! Among all this my sweet husband braved Black Friday with me! We did not start at 3:30 a.m. - we are not the stand in line kinda people, but we did find some great deals later on during the madness of the day. With that said, I have to get on my soap box for just a moment. I feel like we have created a monster with the Black Friday, find the best Christmas Gift thing. My husband and I were listening to the radio on friday while in route to our next shopping destination when we heard some startling news - a man was trampled at a Wal-Mart during the rush of Black Friday Bargain Hunting, two men got in an argument which ended up in one getting shot - we have created a monster! I was talking with my mom about all of this and told her that my goal is to get back to the true meaning of Christmas! I told her I could care less about the gifts and would not be saddened if we did not exchange gifts at all - all I wanted was for all of my family to be together and enjoy our time together! Enjoy what the Lord has given us - the gift of life and each other. I feel we should begin to take back Christmas and remember the real reason we celebrate all month long - the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus! (Actually something we should celebrate all year long). And remember, is it really worth a human life to get $200 off of a flat screen t.v.? With that said, I pray that you find the real meaning during this month of December and carry it with you all year long! Enjoy time with your family this month and all year long - cherish it because we are not promised tomorrow!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said sissy. I totally agree. Love you.