Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 - New Beginnings....

So here goes nothing...well not really but I am about to expose myself on this blog. Why you ask, well, I feel like if I let you in, you can encourage me! Ok - so Wes and I sat down last night and wrote out several things that we would like to see change or happen in 2012. One of mine is losing 30 pounds. I turn 30 on June 27th and would like to lose 30 before 30. I am overweight not by much but enough that I feel blah and unhealthy! We can't afford all those fancy gym memberships (remember we are building a house right now), but I did sign up for Weight Watchers online. I have done WW before and been very successful, but this was pre-baby and now I have a post-baby body! My first WW go-round, I lost 25 pounds in about 4 months so I am hoping that I can do that again. Confession - I started WW before Christmas and lost about 9 pounds in 4 weeks but hello Christmas and those 9 pounds! Ok so here is my plan. I am going to try to blog on a weekly basis and let you in on how much weight I have lost and recipes and I might even get up the courage to post a before and after picture on here. So feel free to comment and encourage me and if you have any weight loss secrets or success stories please share them!
-On another note - as I mentioned above, we are building a house! Not just any house...but our last house! My grandmother has given us 5 acres of family land and we are just weeks from moving into our house! We couldn't feel more anxious, excited, name it! Surprisingly, we have not argued over anything...the only thing Wes requested was a big walk in shower and he is getting that! 6ft.x5ft shower with a shower head adjusted to his 6'3 height!
Sorry to all of my (10) followers that I have not blogged in about a year! Life runs at warp speed around here but one of my resolutions was to be a better blogger!
I am going to post some pictures of the house and a picture or two of BA - he turned 2 on November 3! We are loving every minute with him and enjoying our stubborn little boy!
Hope you have had a great Christmas and that 2012 is good to you!
BA at his 2nd birthday party! It was train- themed! (I have lots more pictures of Party Day and plan on blogging about it!)